A beginners guide to the Unix and Linux operating system. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of UNIX / Linux commands. This guide is based on a tutorial developed by Michael Stonebank from the University of Surrey, it has been modified to reflect the Duke OIT Linux environment. Parts seven and eight are advanced and may not reflect the Duke OIT systems. Thanks Michael!
You should complete through Tutorial Six, the others (seven and eight) are more advanced and may not reflect the Duke OIT systems
Typographical Conventions
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System
- What is UNIX?
- Files and processes
- The Directory Structure
- Starting an UNIX terminal
Tutorial One
- Listing files and directories
- Making Directories
- Changing to a different Directory
- The directories . and ..
- Pathnames
- More about home directories and pathnames
Tutorial Two
- Copying Files
- Moving Files
- Removing Files and directories
- Displaying the contents of a file on the screen
- Searching the contents of a file
Tutorial Three
- Redirection
- Redirecting the Output
- Redirecting the Input
- Pipes
Tutorial Four
- Wildcards
- Filename Conventions
- Getting Help
Tutorial Five
- Processes and Jobs
- Listing suspended and background processes
- Killing a process
Tutorial Six
- Other Useful UNIX commands
Tutorial Seven
- Compiling UNIX software packages
- Download source code
- Extracting source code
- Configuring and creating the Makefile
- Building the package
- Running the software
- Stripping unnecessary code
Tutorial Eight
- UNIX variables
- Environment variables
- Shell variables
- Using and setting variables
This tutorial is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
M.Stonebank@surrey.ac.uk, 19 October 2001