- Spring 2025: Sabbatical Leave
- Fall 2024: Sabbatical Leave
- Spring 2024: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Fall 2023: Sophomore Seminar: Human Flourishing in a Digital Age (ETHICS/COMPSCI 247S)
- Spring 2023: Senior Seminar: What Should I Do With My Life? (ETHICS 450S)
- Fall 2022: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2022: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Fall 2021: Research Leave
- Spring 2021: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Fall 2020: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2020: Freshman Seminar: The Examined Life (ETHICS 89S)
- Fall 2019: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2019: Freshman Seminar: The Examined Life (ETHICS 89S)
- Fall 2018: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2018: Freshman Seminar: The Examined Life (ETHICS 111S)
- Fall 2017: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2017: Freshman Seminar: The Examined Life (ETHICS 111S)
- Fall 2016: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2016: Sabbatical Leave
- Fall 2015: Sabbatical Leave
- Spring 2015: Computational Systems Biology (COMPSCI/CBB 662)
- Fall 2014: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2014: Research Leave
- Fall 2013: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
- Spring 2013: Computational Systems Biology (COMPSCI/CBB 662)
- Fall 2012: Introduction to Computational Genomics (COMPSCI 260)
Before this point, courses at Duke had different numbers, which were lower (below 200 indicated undergraduate and above 200 indicated graduate):
- Spring 2012: Research Leave
- Fall 2011: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2011: Computational Systems Biology (CPS/CBB 262)
- Fall 2010: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2010: Sabbatical Leave (teaching in Kenya)
- Fall 2009: Sabbatical Leave (teaching in Kenya)
- Spring 2009: Computational Systems Biology (CPS/CBB 262)
- Fall 2008: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2008: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Fall 2007: Systems Biology and Machine Learning (CPS 296)
- Spring 2007: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2007: Algorithms in Computational Biology (CPS 260/CBB 230)
- Fall 2006: Research Leave
- Spring 2006: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2006: House Course: Patterns (HOUSE 79)
- Fall 2005: Junior Research Leave
- Spring 2005: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Fall 2004: Algorithms in Computational Biology (CPS 260/BGT 204)
- Spring 2004: Computational Functional Genomics (CPS 262/BGT 211)
- Fall 2003: Introduction to Computational Genomics (CPS 160)
- Spring 2003: Computational Functional Genomics (CPS 296/BGT 208)
- Fall 2002: Algorithms in Computational Biology (CPS 260/BGT 204)
- Spring 2002: Computational Functional Genomics (CPS 296/BGT 208)
- Fall 2001: Introduction to Research in Computer Science (CPS 300)
My courses are run essentially paperless, with electronic distribution of materials. For most of my courses before 2010, the course websites were located within Duke's Blackboard course management system. Unfortunately, these sites were not easily accessible to the general public. Duke has since dropped Blackboard and moved to Sakai (and is now moving again, this time to Canvas), but I shifted to creating new course websites on my own, in conjunction with Ed (previously Piazza).