We have an opening for a 1-2 year postdoctoral position at Duke University (in the Computer Science Department), starting in Fall 2017. We are looking for applicants who are interested in the field of database privacy. Applicants will have the opportunity to work on multiple projects funded by NSF and DARPA Brandeis including (but not limited to) (a) developing novel privacy notions (like Pufferfish) that allow more useful data to be released than standard notions like differential privacy and studying their connections to learning (b) building systems for rapid prototyping and experimentation of privacy algorithms, and (c) advancing the state of the art of privacy in applications that analyze and learn from demographic and administrative records (e.g. from US Census Bureau), streaming data (e.g. from IoT sensors), medical records (e.g., from Duke hospital) and images/video. Successful applicants will have a strong background in algorithm design and differential privacy, and a proven research track record in any related subfield of computer science (theory, databases, machine learning, security, vision). Interested applicants should have their CV (that lists their top 3 publications in ranked order) and three letters of reference submitted to Ashwin Machanavajjhala (ashwin@cs.duke.edu).