Bhuwan Dhingra

Bhuwan Dhingra

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Duke University

Research Scientist
Google Deepmind

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My group works on machine learning for natural language processing and knowledge representation. I completed my PhD in 2020 from the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. My thesis advisers were William Cohen and Russ Salakhutdinov. Before that I did Electrical Engineering at IIT Kanpur, where I worked with Amitabha Mukerjee. In between I worked at Qualcomm Research in San Diego, USA.

Current topics of interest include:

Prospective students


5/24 I will be spending the summer at Google Deepmind in San Francisco.
2/24 Gave a lecture on LLMs as part of the UNIV103: Let's talk about digital you course.
1/24 Received a grant from the Learning Engineering Virtual Institute (joint with University of Florida).
1/23 Three new papers appearing at EACL 2023 and one at CHI 2023 (my first!). publications
12/22 Serving as Senior Area Chair for the Large Language Models track at ACL 2023.
10/22 Received an Amazon Research Award for my proposal titled "Long-form QA via collaborative writing". announcement
8/22 Awarded an NSF Medium grant with Jun Yang and Lavanya Vasudevan. link
6/22 Recieved a gift from P&G for exploring search interfaces based on concept graphs.
10/21 Received a gift from Google for exploring NLP tools to combat misinformation.
10/21 Invited talk at UNC Chapel Hill on "Language models as Structured KBs". slides
10/21 Organizing the 2nd workshop on Structured & Unstructured KBs at AKBC2021.
9/21 Teaching CS590.03: Introduction to NLP with Sam Wiseman.
9/21 Started at Duke University.
7/21 New preprint on time-aware language models.
12/20 New preprint on evaluating explanations.
7/20 Joined Google AI in Seattle.
12/19 Invited talks at IIT Delhi, UMass Amherst and USC.
10/19 Invited talks at Stanford and UC Irvine. details



  1. Rich Stureborg (co-advised with Jun Yang)
  2. Raghuveer Thirukovalluru
  3. Ghazal Khalighinejad
  4. Sanxing Chen
  5. Junlin Wang
  6. Roy Xie
  7. Yukun Huang

Undergraduate & Masters

  • Angikar Ghosal (undergraduate, now a PhD student at Stanford)
  • Phyllis Ang (MS, now at Nvidia)
  • Dev Seth (undergraduate, now at McKinsey)
  • Anni Chen (undergraduate, now at Amazon)
  • Teaching


    Please see my Google Scholar page for the most up-to-date list.










    (* Equal Contribution)

