Solomon is a blue Great Dane neutered male with natural ears. He was born in June 12, 1999, and weighs around 120lbs.

For more info on Danes see the Great Dane FAQ or the American Kennel Club Dane page. Find available Danes at Great Dane Rescue Carolina. Or to locate available puppies, try Danes Online.

Solomon does Pilot Mountain. 1.3 years old, 115lbs.

Solomon and Zoe playing at a swimming hole on the Eno river. Both are a year old. Solomon is about 110lbs.

Pictures playing in the snow at 7 months (85lbs).

See Solomon playing with Zoe, his best friend, at 5 months (he is 65lbs).

Pictures at 4 months (50lbs).

Solomon underwent spinal decompression surgery for "Wobblers Syndrome", or Cervical Vertebral Instability, on March 9, 2000 at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital in Cary, NC. He fully recovered and should play happily ever after.

Find Solomon's person here.