Biermann, Alan W., R. Rodman, D. Rubin and F. Heidlage. "Natural language with discrete speech as a mode for human to machine communication." Communications of the ACM 28(6), 1985.
Biermann, Alan W. "Automatic programming: a tutorial on formal methodologies." Journal of Symbolic Computation 1(2), 1985.
Biermann, Alan W., L. Fineman and K. Gilbert. "An imperative sentence processor for voice interactive office applications." ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 3(4):321-346, 1985
Biermann, Alan W. Great Ideas in Computer Science. The MIT Press. 1990.
Biermann, Alan W. and R. Rodman. "Voice dialogue systems," in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: State of the Art and Future Directions, Eds. Z. W. Ras and M. Zemankova, Ellis-Horwood Limited. 1990.
Biermann, Alan W. "A simple methodology for studying program time complexity," Computer Science Education 1(4), 1990.
R. W. Smith, D. R. Hipp, and A. W. Biermann, "A Dialog Control Algorithm and Its Performance," Proceedings of the Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Trento, Italy, April 1-3, 1992.
Biermann, Alan W. "Automatic programming," Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Ed. S. Shapiro, J. Wiley and Sons, 1992.
Biermann, Alan W., L. Fineman, J. F. Heidlage. "A voice and touch driven natural language editor and its performance," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 32, 1992.
Alan W. Biermann, Curry I. Guinn, D. Richard Hipp, Ronnie W. Smith, Efficient Collaborative Discourse: A Theory and its Implementation, Proceedings of the ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop, Princeton, N. J. March, 1993.
Curry Guinn and Alan W. Biermann, Conflict Resolution in Collaborative Discourse, Proceedings of the 1993 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop: Computational Models of Conflict Management in Cooperative Problem Solving, Chambery, France, August, 1993.
Amr F. Fahmy and Alan W. Biermann, "Synthesis of Real Time Acceptors", Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 15, Nos. 5 and 6, 1993.
A. W. Biermann, K. Gilbert, A. Fahmy, and B. Koster, "On the Errors that Learning Machines Will Make," in International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 9, pages 269-302, 1994.
Alan W. Biermann, "Computer Science for the Many," IEEE Computer, February, 1994.
Ronnie W. Smith, D. Richard Hipp, Alan W. Biermann, "An Architecture for Voice Dialog Systems Based on Prolog-Style Theorem Proving," Computational Linguistics, Vol. 21, No. 3, pages 281-320, 1995.
R. Cole, et al. (Biermann is fifth of twenty four authors), "The Challenge of Spoken Language Systems: Research Directions for the Nineties", IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 1-21, 1995.
Christopher Connelly, Alan W. Biermann, David Pennock, Peter Wu, "Home-Study Software: Complementary Systems for Computer Science Courses," to appear in Computer Science Education, January, 1997.
A. W. Biermann, Great Ideas in Computer Science, Second Edition, The MIT Press, 1997. (Also to be published in Greek in 1999.)
A. W. Biermann (Chair), Tora Bikson, Thomas DeFanti, Gerhard Fischer, Barbara Grosz, Thomas Landauer, John Makhoul, Bruce Tognazzini, Gregg Vanderheiden, Steve Weinstein (Steering Committee, "e;Toward Every-Citizen Interfaces to the Nation's Information Infrastructure,"e; National Research Council Report, February, 1997.