Duke University
Department of
Computer Science

Booting the Client

Once the Jumpstart server has been enabled and the client has been added to the server, the machine can be booted to perform the installation.

  • For Sparc architecure, type the following at the PROM prompt
    	ok boot net - install [w]
    The net alias may not exist on some machines with non-original network cards (i.e. HME cards), the exact device can be specified instead.

    The w option prevents a windowing system from being invoked. Since the client is booting over the network, this is a good option.

  • For Intel architecure

    You will need a Solaris (Intel Platform Edition) Device Configuration Assistant Boot Diskette. You boot from this disk and after the hardware discovery, it will ask you if you want to perform a custom jumpstart

    This can be downloaded from http://soldc.sun.com/support/drivers/dca_diskettes.

    * If you have installed Solaris 8 on the system previously, a boot diskette is not needed. You can start the boot process by entering the Device Configuration Assistant at the beginning of the secondary boot.

    Once in the Configuration Assistant has probed the devices on the machine, it will ask you to select the device from which to boot. Select Net and the machine will proceed to discover it's network address.

    Finally, the Configuration Assistant will ask what type of Jumpstart to perform, in the following menu:

    Select the type of installation you want to perform:
    	1 Solaris Interactive
    	2 Custom Jumpstart
    Enter the number of your choice followed the the  key.
    If you enter anything else, or if you wait for 30 seconds,
    an interactive installation will be started.
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