Welcome to Bruce Donald's homepage.
I am
a Professor
of Computer Science at Duke University,
Professor of Mathematics,
Professor of Chemistry, and
Professor of
Biochemistry in the Duke
University Medical Center. I am also founder of Ten63
laboratory is part
of the
Department of Computer Science
Intelligence (AI) Group,
Department of Mathematics,
Department of Biochemistry,
Department of Chemistry,
Program in
Computational Biology,
Duke Cancer Institute,
Center for Quantitative BioDesign,
Center for Genomic and Computational Biology,
Group (Theory Group, Duke CS),
Center for Theoretical and
Mathematical Sciences,
the Duke
Institute for Brain Science.
My lab
is suppported by
an NIH
Outstanding Investigator Grant.
We are grateful to the NIH
for their support.
You can browse my
books and
papers, learn about research
in my laboratory,
read about
my lab in the news,
see Wallace (a generative AI demo),
take my (not entirely?)
Random Walk:
1975-1976 Harvard, Special
1976-1980 Yale, B.A.
1980-1984 Harvard,
1982-1987 MIT AI Lab,
Ph.D. in Computer Science
1985-1987 NASA JPL, CalTech.
  1987-1998 Cornell Computer Science Department, Professor
  1987-1997     CSRVL, Director
1989 I.R.S.T, Istituto Trentino di
Cultura, Trento
1994-1996 Stanford University, Sabbatical
1995-1997 Interval
Research Corporation
1997-2006 Dartmouth, Professor
2018-now Ten63 Therapeutics,
2006-now Duke, Professor.
2007-2010 CBB
Director, DUMC
Feel free to check out classes I teach.
Our lab has a YouTube channel.
Here is some advice for young scientists, including
tips on using LaTeX for NIH grant applications.
I have a bit of fun stuff:
you can check out
my band, more music (MP3s), MEMS
movies, robot
movies, and other
If you are interested in joining my laboratory,
please read my brief FAQ.
Bruce R. Donald
Professor of Computer Science, Duke University
Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center
P.O. Box 90129
Department of Computer Science
D101 Levine
Science Research Center (LSRC)
Research Drive
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0129 USA
Please do not publish my ε-maiℓ address on any website or maiℓing
list or book (yes, people have actually published books that are lists
of scientists' εmaiℓ addresses). It will cause me to receive spam,
since the address can be harvested by advertisers.
Phone: 919-660-6583
Office: D212 Levine
Science Research Center (LSRC)
Donald Laboratory:
Duke Maps:
(MIT Press).
Chiral evasion and stereospecific antifolate resistance in
Staph. aureus