CPS 196
Systems and Networks
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Lab #2: Networking

Lab description

Lab #1: Fun with Unix

This lab has several parts:

Life in the CS Department

For these labs, you will need to inhabit the CS department Unix environment. You should have received a CS account by now if you did not already have one. You should look at the CS Lab page to understand the rules and procedures for this account. (The CS Lab page is internal access only.)

You will also have an "untrusted account" with a separate password. Here "untrusted" means the account is for machines that are untrusted, not that you are untrusted: see the the outdated ISSG site. In fact, we are giving you a great deal of power, and it is important that use it with care.

At minimum, you will need to be able to do the following:

Original overview of labs

The labs will consist of some moderate Linux programming in C, some Java programming with threads and networking, and (we think) some C++ tinkering with the Click router framework. This is an optimistic summary of what we might hope to achieve: