CPS 214: Networks and Distributed Systems
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Internet architecture
CDNs and Akamai

Some of the material we cover will be similar to last year's offering, although this year's course will be front-loaded with more content related to scalable services. The old topics/readings list is here.

For Tuesday 4/10 we will have a visit from Romit Roy Choudhury who will discuss key issues in wireless networking. Please read the wireless networking chapter from the textbook.

For Thursday 4/12 we will have a visit from Thomas Narten of IBM, who will talk about exciting happenings in the IETF and the future Internet, including the IPv6 experience. Come prepared with questions for a fun interactive discussion.

For Tuesday 4/3 and 4/5 we will talk about the shape of the Internet. We will discuss Rocketfuel: please read the SIGCOMM 2002 paper.
For Thursday 3/22 and Tuesday 3/27 we will be discussing more about building large-scale services with DHTs, starting with DNS. Reading: