Internet vs. the Automobile and the Telephone

Diane Pozefsky, IBM Fellow, IBM RTP

On Thursday, September 6, I'd like to explore the Internet in comparison to what are often considered the most significant inventions of the prior two centuries: the telephone and the automobile. We'll talk about the keys to an invention making a significant difference to society and look at different pieces of the Internet technology in that light. We will also discuss the recent Jupiter survey that shows that people are using the Internet more as an appliance. Is this a significant step in the acceptance of the Internet? Is this an indication of changing phases and can we see similar changes in other technologies?

Specific historical pieces that we will look at include Vannavar Bush's Memex and early on-line communities such as WELL (Whole Earth Lectronic Link).

References for browsing:

historical timeline (focus on material related to Memex)
The Well
Internet history