This is where I'm from. Here's another look. And another. And another. I was born here.
I went to college here, but used to hang out here, too. Here's my high school and my elementary school.
I worked here for 5 years after college.
Then I lived here for a couple of years. During that time, I worked here (was BBN, Inc.), here (used to exist), here (was DEC), and here as a contractor.
Here's where I live now. (Some more links: here, here, and here.) This is where I work; I transferred from this department, which is part of the same institution.
Here're some current projects I'm working on.
Date Calculator |
Calendar Generator |
Virtual Coin Toss (with a twist) |
Virtual Dice Roll (with a twist) |
Toolman articles.
Here are a few assorted shell scripts and C programs you might find useful.
Here are a few assorted recipes you might find tasteful.
Some other stuff of dubious usefulness.
Details of my sordid past (a bit out-of-date).
Here are some friends of mine.
I have some ``friends'' who think this is funny.
My fave limerick.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about this site.
Professional affiliations (but don't tell them I said so):