L-system generated fern   MA-351
Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Models
Fall 2003
Harrelson 379, Tue&Thu 09h50-11h05

Syllabus People Exams Homeworks Current Enrollment (Sep 15) Web resources

Current Announcements

  • NEW The course grades have been submitted to TRACS (Dec 10, 2:27pm). Here is a sorted anonymous list.
  • NEW 11 persons received 5% for missing fewer than 3 classes.
  • NEW Answer to bonus homework: suppose you have the profiles
    3 2 2   3 2 2
    =====   =====
    A B C   A B B
    B C B   B A A
    C A A
    In the first, A has the plurality, but in the second, after the "irrelevant alternative" C is removed, B wins, in violation to Axiom 2. This answers a question in class by Michael Bloom.

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.

This semester's first and second midterm examinations (for dates see syllabus)


  • Homework 1 (final version Aug 28, 7:28pm), due Tuesday, Sep 9, in class.
  • Homework 2, due Wednesday, Sep 17, at 9am in HA 245.
  • Homework 3, due Wednesday, Oct 15, at 9am in HA 245.
  • Homework 4, due Thursday, Oct 30, in class.
  • Homework 5, due Tuesday, Dec 2, in class.
  • Homework 6 (bonus), due Dec 9, 3pm, in my mailbox in HA245.

Web resources for the course

Old Announcements

  • The course web site taught in Fall 2002, Fall 2001, and Fall 1999 contain old homeworks and mid-semester exams.
  • I have put copies of the two textbooks (see syllabus) on reserve in the library. They will be available on Sep 3.
  • Here is the Maple 7 (or 8,9) worksheet that demonstrates matrices. Note that you can load it by selecting "Maple text" and load it as Maple text. Then run it via edit->execute->worksheet. Lines that you type in are marked by "> ". The worksheet may be helpful in doing homework 2.
  • Please remember that the exam is closed book/closed notes. But you can bring a single 8.5in by 11in sheet of paper with the key material on both sides.
  • Since class was cancelled today, Thurs Sep 18, 2003 due to hurricane Isabel, the first mid-semester exam will be held in class on Thursday, Sep 25, 2003. Homework 2 will be returned in class on Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003. Then there will also be the pre-exam review, which was cancelled today.
  • I have posted the solution to last year's first exam. See sol1.pdf in ../Fall02/Exam1/. Please attempt to solve exam1.pdf before looking at the solution.
  • Homework 3 is posted.
  • The sorted grades for exam 1.
  • The second exam is on Thursday, Nov 6, during class. You are allowed to bring 2 sheets (4 pages) of notes.
  • The solution to exam 2 in Fall 2002 is posted.
  • Homework 4 is posted.
  • I will be away until Dec 2, when homework 5 is due. There are no office hours Nov 20 and Nov 25. Class on Nov 25 will be taught by George Yuhasz.
  • Some of you are late in picking a topic for the term paper and presentation. If you choose a section in the book, please provide the sections and page numbers. Look at the list whether your choice has been approved.
  • I will bring a beam projector and my laptop, which can display MS word, powerpoint, and pdf, but not postscript. You can read your files from R-CD and RW-CD and floppy disk, but you may have difficulty from a USB thumb drive. Alternatively, you can use overhead transparencies.
  • The presentations on Tuesday are in HA 368.
  • The term paper is a 3-5 page (typed, single spaced) summary and critique, pointing to the innovations of the material that you read. It is due right after your presentation.
  • The bonus homework is posted.
  • I have updated the list for the presentations. If you are not on the list, please declare your topic immediately. Those of you who have not chosen a time for your talk (see the syllabus), please do so soon.
  • Those of you who are reading material that is not in one of the two textbooks (on reserve in the library), please provide me with a hardcopy of what you are reading.
  • Results of second midterm.
  • My office hours are listed on my schedule.