MA-351 Homework 4
Due Tue Nov. 29, at 23:59pm.

All solutions must be submitted on the Moodle web site for the class at You may upload a photo of your handwritten solution or a file of your typed solution.
Note my office hours on my schedule.

  1. Consider the Boolean expression

    (a xor b xor c) equiv ((a nand b) or c)

    where x implies y is the implication operator (not x) or y, x equiv y is the equivalence operator [(x and y) or ((not x) and (not y))], x xor y is the exclusive or operator not (x equiv y), and x nand y is the Sheffer stroke not (x and y).
    1. Find a CNF (with k clauses and no more than 3 literals per clause) that is equivalent to this expression.
    2. Draw the graph corresponding to the CNF that has a clique of size k if and only if the CNF is satisfiable. For a satisfying assignment, identify the corresponding clique.
  2. Please write a Boolean expression in the variables a and b using only the nand operator that is equivalent to a nor b, that is not (a or b).