L-system generated fern   MA-351
Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Models
Fall 2024
In person SAS Hall 1108 or on Zoom if circumstances require it, Tue&Thu 8h30-9h45

Current Announcements

  • NEW The course grades have been submitted to Registration and Records (Fri, Dec 13, 10:58am). Here is a sorted anonymous list.
    Have a Happy Holidays!
  • NEW Please note: I do not compute the final grade on Moodle. If you like to see my computation, please email me. I have also posted the grades for your term paper on Moodle, but the feedback comments are mostly meant to me while reading your paper, while the feedback comments for your talks on Moodle are meant for you.
  • The homework combined and homeworks 4 + 5 grades: sorted anonymous list. The 15 = 10 + 5 points of Homework 4 + 5 constitute 14.85% of the total homework grade, that is, 5.94/100 points of the course grade.
  • NEW One last item: in the class on Dec 3, I said I didn't know an application of Markov chains to AI. I googled that and found out that ChatGPT has an important use for them. The arcs are from a word to another word that follows them in the text used for training, and transition probabilities express which meaning the second word is likely to have.
  • The course web sites for Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2013, Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2007, Fall 2006, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002, Fall 2001, and Fall 1999 contain old homeworks and anonymous grade lists.
  • Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.


    Previous first exams (links will be activated 2 weeks prior to the exam)
    Old first exams: 23_dm_exam_1.pdf, 22_dm_exam_1.pdf, 21_dm_exam_1.pdf, 19_dm_exam_1.pdf, 18_dm_exam_1.pdf, 17_dm_exam_1.pdf, 16_dm_exam_1.pdf, 13_dm_exam_1.pdf, 12_dm_exam_1.pdf, 11_dm_exam_1.pdf, 10_dm_exam_1.pdf, 09_dm_exam_1.pdf, 08_dm_exam_1.pdf, 07_dm_exam_1.pdf, 06_dm_exam_1.pdf, 04_dm_exam_1.pdf, 03_dm_exam_1.pdf, 02_dm_exam_1.pdf, 01_dm_exam_1.pdf, 99_dm_exam_1.pdf.
    Old first exams solutions (in the scanned documents the red text is grading information, which is not part of the solution): 23_dm_sol_1.pdf, 22_dm_sol_1.pdf, 21_dm_sol_1.pdf, 19_dm_sol_1.pdf, 18_dm_sol_1.pdf, 17_dm_sol_1.pdf, 16_dm_sol_1.pdf, 13_dm_sol_1.pdf, 12_dm_sol_1.pdf, 11_dm_sol_1.pdf, 10_dm_sol_1.pdf, 09_dm_sol_1.pdf, 08_dm_sol_1.pdf, 07_dm_sol_1.pdf, 06_dm_sol_1.pdf, 04_dm_sol_1.pdf, 03_dm_sol_1.pdf, 02_dm_sol_1.pdf, 01_dm_sol_1.pdf, 99_dm_sol_1.pdf.

    Previous second exams (links will be activated 2 weeks prior to the exam)
    Old second exams: 23_dm_exam_2.pdf, 22_dm_exam_2.pdf, 21_dm_exam_2.pdf, 19_dm_exam_2.pdf, 18_dm_exam_2.pdf, 17_dm_exam_2.pdf, 16_dm_exam_2.pdf, 13_dm_exam_2.pdf, 12_dm_exam_2.pdf, 11_dm_exam_2.pdf, 10_dm_exam_2.pdf, 09_dm_exam_2.pdf, 08_dm_exam_2.pdf, 07_dm_exam_2.pdf, 06_dm_exam_2.pdf, 04_dm_exam_2.pdf, 03_dm_exam_2.pdf, 02_dm_exam_2.pdf, 01_dm_exam_2.pdf, 99_dm_exam_2.pdf.
    Old second exams solutions (in the scanned documents the red text is grading information, which is not part of the solution): 23_dm_sol_2.pdf, 22_dm_sol_2.pdf, 21_dm_sol_2.pdf, 19_dm_sol_2.pdf, 18_dm_sol_2.pdf, 17_dm_sol_2.pdf, 16_dm_sol_2.pdf, 13_dm_sol_2.pdf, 12_dm_sol_2.pdf, 11_dm_sol_2.pdf, 10_dm_sol_2.pdf, 09_dm_sol_2.pdf, 07_dm_sol_2.pdf, 06_dm_sol_2.pdf, 04_dm_sol_2.pdf, 03_dm_sol_2.pdf, 02_dm_sol_2.pdf, 01_dm_sol_2.pdf, 99_dm_sol_2.pdf.

    Web resources for the course

    Old Announcements

  • These topics have been approved for presentation. You may look at previous classes what topics were chosen. If you email me a topic, please email me the reference for your reading. If I approve your topic, I do not reply to your email; instead, I put your topic in the web page. If you do not see your entry and have not received email from me, please resend your email. While choosing the topic, you may also already reserve a time slot for your 12 minutes' presentation. See the syllabus for available time slots.
  • I will require attendance for credit. You get credit by either A. signing the attendance sheet in class or B. go to Moodle and mark your attendance ``P'' (present). You have until 11:59pm on each day of each lecture to do so for that lecture. If you sign the attendance sheet, I will mark you "P".
  • If I need to switch my lectures to on-line, I will use the Zoom client https://ncsu.zoom.us You can click Download client at bottom of page on your device (cell phone, laptop, computer). I will also post the ID in the Moodle Lecture 1 title. The website https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/<ID> where <ID> is the ID may work.
  • My office hours will be on Zoom. The times are listed on my schedule.
  • I plan not to record my lectures to Panopto. Instead, the Moodle web site has my 2021 Zoom lecture recordings which you can view. I plan to follow the lesson plans from 2021, so the Zoom recordings will match my in-person lectures. If you are wait-listed, you can watch those lectures once you are enlisted in the class.
  • Homework 5 is posted; due Tuesday, Dec 3, before mid-night.
  • Homework 4 is posted; due Tuesday, Nov 26, before mid-night.
  • The sorted grades of Exam 2.
  • The sorted grades for Homework 3.
  • The second mid-semester exam will be online on Thursday, Nov 7. I will not come to class but post the exam on Moodle at 8am and you will have until 10am (plus a few minutes) to upload a photo of your solution of each problem to Moodle. I will be on Zoom to answer questions from 8:30am until 9:45am.
    The second exam is open book/open notes/open Internet, like wolfram|alpha, but you are not to consult with another person.
  • The links to the old first exams below are now activated.
  • Homework 3, Problem 2 (there is no Problem 1) is posted; due Tue October 29, 11:59pm. Homework 3, Problems 3, 4 and 5, are posted; due Tue November 5, 11:59pm.
  • The sorted grades for Homework 2.
  • Homework 2, Problems 1 and 2, are posted; due Thurs October 10, 11:59pm. Homework 2, Problems 3, 4 and 5, are posted; due Thurs October 17, 11:59pm.
  • The sorted grades for exam 1.
  • The first mid-semester exam is online on Thursday, Sep 26. I will not come to class but post the exam on Moodle at 8am and you will have until 10am (plus a few minutes) to upload a photo of your solution of each problem to Moodle. I will be on Zoom to answer questions from 8:30am until 9:45am.
    The first exam is open book/open notes/open Internet, like wolfram|alpha, but you are not to consult with another person.
  • The sorted grades for Homework 1.
  • The links to the old first exams below are now activated.
  • The lectures will start in person in 1108 SAS Hall on Tuesday, August 20, 8:30am.

    ©1997, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Erich Kaltofen. Permission to use provided that copyright notice is not removed.