Click on main2.c to get source.
/* File: CExamples/OO_pgm_in_C_new/main2.c */
/* See also: ../C++Examples/Stacks/ for the C++ version
             ../JavaExampels/Stacks/ for the Java version

#include <stdio.h>

#include "stack_with_delete.h"

extern const stack empty_arr_stack; /* imported empty stack of
                                 array data structure */

extern const stack empty_list_stack; /* imported empty stack of
                                 list data structure */

extern stackptr new_arr_stack(void); /* declare constructor */
/* simply returns (*empty_arr_stack.clone)(&empty_arr_stack) */

/* generic printstack */
void print_stack(stack s)
/* print the stack; note that this function should work
   independently of the underlying data structure, i.e.,
   it is a generic function */
{stackptr s2ptr; /* store the popped elements */
 int i;
 s2ptr = (*s.clone)(&s );
 printf("Stack contents: ");
 while( !(*s2ptr->is_empty)(s2ptr) )
   {i = (*s2ptr->pop)(s2ptr);
    printf("%2d ", i);
 printf(" bottom\n"); fflush(stdout);
}/* end print_stack */

int main(void)
/* Test the stack */
/* Note: this function can use several stack data structures,
         and a generic print_stack(stack) function */
{int i;
 stackptr sptr;

 /* make a new empty stack of a certain data structure */
 sptr = (*empty_arr_stack.clone)(&empty_arr_stack);

 print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=1; i < 6; i++)
     { printf("Pushing %d \n", i);
       (*sptr->push)( i, sptr );
       print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
     { printf("Popping %d \n",
              (*sptr->pop)( sptr ) );
       print_stack( *sptr );

 /* use array constructor function */
 sptr = new_arr_stack();
 printf("Pushing %d \n", 17); (*sptr->push)( 17, sptr );
 print_stack( *sptr );
 printf("Pushing %d \n", 18); (*sptr->push)( 18, sptr );
 print_stack( *sptr );

 /* use list empty stack object */
 sptr = (*empty_list_stack.clone)(&empty_list_stack);

 print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=20; i < 26; i++)
     { printf("Pushing %d \n", i);
       (*sptr->push)( i, sptr );
       print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
     { printf("Popping %d \n",
              (*sptr->pop)( sptr ) );
       print_stack( *sptr );

 /* use unknown data structure, determined at link time */
 /* for make use command line variable NEWSTACK=newstack_<ds> */
 /* to specify which newstack_<ds>.o to link */
 sptr = new_stack();

 print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=30; i < 36; i++)
     { printf("Pushing %d \n", i);
       (*sptr->push)( i, sptr );
       print_stack( *sptr );
 for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
     { printf("Popping %d \n",
              (*sptr->pop)( sptr ) );
       print_stack( *sptr );

 return 0;
}/* end main */