Current Announcements

  • NEW I have uploaded the grades (May 10, 11:35am): 2×(A+) and 6×A and 6×(A-) and 1×(B+) and 1×B and 1×(IN) = 17 grades. I have tested your C programs with two C compilers (Ubuntu Linux and Windows Ubuntu) on 4 data sets: data1, data2, data3, data1old. Please email me if you like me to explain your grade computation.
  • The links here and in the syllabus to Python Lecture 7 and 8 and 9 point to the new lectures (provided by Mark) in scrollable html.
  • The updated submission procedure: submit.html, which now makes uuencode optional and allows zip archiving.
  • There are no examinations, and the programs are the sole parameter used to determine the course grade. Three fully functional programs will get you an A.
  • In Spring 2011, Spring 2008, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002, Fall 2000, Fall 1999 and Fall 1998 a similar course was given.
    NOTE: in 2011 coverage was switched from Java to Python, which is used extensively in the SAGE computer algebra platform. Mark Lavin, a former student who has extensive programming experience in Python, has agreed to teach the Python segment for a second time.

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.

C programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Python programs for the course; Mark's original github

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

C++ programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Computer Help and Online Software

Old Announcements

©2011, 2018 Erich Kaltofen.