Current Announcements

  • Pavan Dayal's Python Jupyter notebooks are on Moodle. The code posted in the syllabus is from the previous two classes taught by Mark Lavin.
  • This web site is from where you obtain the programming code discussed in class. The links are in the syllabus.
  • I will deliver the lectures live from home using the Zoom client (click Download client at bottom of page) on your device (cell phone, laptop, computer).
  • In addition, I will record the lectures and post links to the recordings on Moodle. Once you are logged in to see your courses, click on the orange "m" to go to the Moodle boiler plate. (Clicking on the title takes you to this page).
  • Individually, you can email me. You will submit your programming projects by email.
  • The lectures will start on January 19, 4:30pm. I will email a Zoom ID to you at the beginning of the lecture, so that you can join the live meeting via this ID. I will also post the ID in the Moodle Lecture 1 title. The website<ID> where <ID> is the ID may work.
  • My virtual office hours, to be held via Zoom, are listed on my schedule.
  • There are no examinations, and the programming projects are the sole parameter used to determine the course grade. Two fully functional programs will get you an A, three an A+.
  • In Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2011, Spring 2008, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002, Fall 2000, Fall 1999 and Fall 1998 a similar course was given.
    NOTE: in 2011 coverage was switched from Java to Python, which is used extensively in the SAGE computer algebra platform.

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.

C programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Python programs for the course; Mark's original github

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

C++ programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Computer Help and Online Software

Old Announcements

©2011, 2018, 2020, 2021 Erich Kaltofen.