Stirling's formula   MA-410
Theory of Numbers
Spring 2010
Harrelson 201, MW 10:15-11:30am

Syllabus People Exams Homeworks Web resources

Current Announcements

  • I have submitted the final course grades (anonymous sorted list) to the registrar. The anonymous sorted grades for the final exam, Final/sorted_grades.txt. The anonymous sorted grades for the combined homeworks scaled to 20, Homework/sorted_grades.txt.
  • On request, solution to Homework 4, Problem 1:
    (b0 + 5*b1 + 25*b2)^2 equiv 94 (mod 125). (*)
    Then b0^2 equiv 4 (mod 5), so b0 = 2 or = 3.  Take 2.
    Then (2 + 5*b1)^2 equiv 94 (mod 25), reducing (*) modulo 25.
    So 4 + 4*5*b1 equiv 19 (mod 25), or 20*b1 equiv 15 (mod 25).
    That means that 4*b1 equiv 3 (mod 5) [note the division by 5]
    or b1 = 2.
    Thus (12 + 25*b3)^2 equiv 94 (mod 125) or 144 + 2*12*25*b3 equiv 94 (mod 125).
    So 12*50*b2 equiv 94-19 equiv 75 (mod 125).
    That means 12*2*b2 equiv 3 (mod 5) [note the division by 25]
    or b3 = 2.
  • The final exam is Wednesday, May 5, at 9am in our class room. You may bring 3 sheets of notes.
  • The course web sites for Spring 2009, Spring 2008, Spring 2007 and Spring 2005 contain old homeworks, mid-semester exams, and anonymous grade lists.
  • My office hours are listed on my schedule.

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.

This semester's first and second midterm examinations and final examination (for dates see syllabus)


  • Homework 1, due Monday, Feb. 8 at 4:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 2, due Wednesday, Mar 10, at 4:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 3, due Mon, Apr 19, 4:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 4, due Wed, Apr 28, 4:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.

Web resources for the course

Old Announcements