Current Announcements

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.


  • Homework 1, due Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 2, due Thursday, Feb. 28, at 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 3, due Thursday, Apr. 11, 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Homework 4, due Thursday, Apr. 25, 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.

Web resources for the course

Old Announcements

  • Old final exam 2016 solution: 16_nt_solfin.pdf.
  • 2019 final exam: The final exam is on Tuesday, April 30, 9am-11am (note: starts at 9am) in our classroom. You may bring 3 sheets of notes (with text on both sides) and your calculators.
  • Old final exams: 18_nt_final.pdf, 17_nt_final.pdf, 16_nt_final.pdf, 15_nt_final.pdf, 12_nt_final.pdf, 11_nt_final.pdf, 10_nt_final.pdf, 09_nt_final.pdf, 08_nt_final.pdf, 07_nt_final.pdf, 05_nt_final.pdf.
    Old final exams solutions: 18_nt_solfin.pdf, 17_nt_solfin.pdf, 15_nt_solfin.pdf, 12_nt_solfin.pdf (the red text in 2012 is grading information; please ignore), 11_nt_solfin.pdf, 10_nt_solfin.pdf, 09_nt_solfin.pdf, 08_nt_solfin.pdf, 07_nt_solfin.pdf, 05_nt_solfin.pdf.
    NOTE: not all material on those exams was covered in our class and will not be on our
  • Homework 4 is posted. Due Thursday April 25, 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the third homework, Homework/sorted_grades_3.txt.
  • Homework 3 is posted. Due Thursday April 11, 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the second exam, Exam2/sorted_grades.txt.
  • Homework/sorted_grades_2.txt.
  • The second mid-semester exam is on Thursday, March 21, during class. You may bring two 8in times 11.5in sheets with notes on both sides. The exam is closed book/closed notes.
  • The Maple Miller-Rabin worksheet from the class on March 5, 2019.
  • Old second exams: 18_nt_exam_2.pdf, 17_nt_exam_2.pdf, 16_nt_exam_2.pdf, 15_nt_exam_2.pdf, 12_nt_exam_2.pdf, 11_nt_exam_2.pdf, 10_nt_exam_2.pdf, 09_nt_exam_2.pdf, 08_nt_exam_2.pdf, 07_nt_exam_2.pdf, 05_nt_exam_2.pdf.
    Old second exams scanned solutions (the red text is the grade key: please ignore): 18_nt_sol_2.pdf, 17_nt_sol_2.pdf, 16_nt_sol_2.pdf, 15_nt_sol_2.pdf, 12_nt_sol_2.pdf, 11_nt_sol_2.pdf, 10_nt_sol_2.pdf, 09_nt_sol_2.pdf, 08_nt_sol_2.pdf, 07_nt_sol_2.pdf, 05_nt_sol_2.pdf.
  • Homework 2 is posted. Due Thursday, February 28, at 16:59pm, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the first exam with grade cut points, Exam1/sorted_grades.txt.
  • The first mid-semester exam is on Thursday, Feb 7, during class. You may bring one 8in times 11.5in sheet with notes on both sides. The exam is closed book/closed notes.
  • Old first exams: 18_nt_exam_1.pdf, 17_nt_exam_1.pdf, 16_nt_exam_1.pdf, 15_nt_exam_1.pdf, 12_nt_exam_1.pdf, 11_nt_exam_1.pdf, 10_nt_exam_1.pdf, 09_nt_exam_1.pdf, 08_nt_exam_1.pdf, 07_nt_exam_1.pdf, 05_nt_exam_1.pdf.
    Old first exams scanned solutions (the red text is grading information; please ignore): 18_nt_sol_1.pdf, 17_nt_sol_1.pdf, 16_nt_sol_1.pdf, 15_nt_sol_1.pdf, 12_nt_sol_1.pdf, 11_nt_sol_1.pdf, 10_nt_sol_1.pdf, 09_nt_sol_1.pdf, 07_nt_sol_1.pdf, 05_nt_sol_1.pdf.
  • Problems 3 and 4 of Homework 1 are now posted.
  • Part of Homework 1 is posted. Due Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 16:59pm in my mailbox in SAS 3151.
  • Maple worksheet from Lecture 3: lec3.mws.

    ©2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Erich Kaltofen.