Current Announcements

  • NEW May 10, 2021, 3pm: I have submitted the final course grades (anonymous sorted list) to the registrar.
    The anonymous sorted grades for the final exam, Final/sorted_grades.txt.
    16 of you received 5% towards your final grade for checking "P" on Moodle in 24 or more of the lectures' attendance.
    The anonymous sorted grades for the combined homeworks scaled to 25%, Homework/sorted_grades.txt. The anonymous sorted grades for Homework 4, Homework/sorted_grades_4.txt.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the third homework, Homework/sorted_grades_3.txt.
  • The main communication between the class and me will be through Moodle, since your work will be uploaded there. Once you are logged in to see your courses, click on the orange "m" to go to the Moodle boiler plate. (Clicking on the title takes you to this page). Individually, you can email me.
  • I will deliver the lectures live from home using the Zoom client (click Download client at bottom of page) on your device (cell phone, laptop, computer).
    The lectures will start on January 19, 8:30am. I will email a Zoom ID to you at the beginning of the lecture, so that you can join the live meeting via this ID. I will also post the ID in the Moodle Lecture 1 title. The website<ID> where <ID> is the ID may work.
    In addition, I will record the lectures and post links to the recordings on Moodle.
  • I will require attendance for credit. To get credit for each lecture, the only thing you have to do is go to Moodle and mark your attendance ``P'' (present). You have until 11:59pm on each day of each lecture to do so for that lecture.
  • The Moodle site has an optional assignment for you posted. This is "Testing how to upload" and consists of a single photo upload. Please try to perform this assignment.
  • My virtual office hours, to be held via Zoom, are listed on my schedule.
  • The course web sites for Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Spring 2009, Spring 2008, Spring 2007 and Spring 2005 may contain old homeworks and anonymous grade lists.

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.


Web resources for the course

Old Announcements

  • I will have an additional office hour on Moodle on Monday, May 3, starting at 2pm. You can also ask me about old final exam questions during class on Thursday, April 29.
  • The final exam is on Tuesday, May 4. I will post the exam on Moodle at 8:30am and you will have until noon to upload a photo of your solution of each problem to Moodle.
    Old final exams: 20_nt_final.pdf, 19_nt_final.pdf, 18_nt_final.pdf, 17_nt_final.pdf, 16_nt_final.pdf, 15_nt_final.pdf, 12_nt_final.pdf, 11_nt_final.pdf, 10_nt_final.pdf, 09_nt_final.pdf, 08_nt_final.pdf, 07_nt_final.pdf, 05_nt_final.pdf.
    Old final exams solutions: 18_nt_solfin.pdf, 17_nt_solfin.pdf, 16_nt_solfin.pdf, 15_nt_solfin.pdf, 12_nt_solfin.pdf (the red text in 2012 is grading information; please ignore), 11_nt_solfin.pdf, 10_nt_solfin.pdf, 09_nt_solfin.pdf, 08_nt_solfin.pdf, 07_nt_solfin.pdf, 05_nt_solfin.pdf.
    NOTE: not all material on those exams was covered in our class and will not be on the 2020 final exam.
  • Homework 4 is posted.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the second exam, Exam2/sorted_grades.txt.
  • Homework 3 is posted.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the second homework, Homework/sorted_grades_2.txt.
  • The second mid-semester exam is on Tuesday, March 30. I will post the exam on Moodle at 8:30am and you will have until 11am to upload a photo of your solution of each problem to Moodle.
  • Old second exams: 20_nt_exam_2.pdf, 19_nt_exam_2.pdf, 18_nt_exam_2.pdf, 17_nt_exam_2.pdf, 16_nt_exam_2.pdf, 15_nt_exam_2.pdf, 12_nt_exam_2.pdf, 11_nt_exam_2.pdf, 10_nt_exam_2.pdf, 09_nt_exam_2.pdf, 08_nt_exam_2.pdf, 07_nt_exam_2.pdf, 05_nt_exam_2.pdf.
    Old second exams scanned solutions (the red text is the grade key: please ignore): 18_nt_sol_2.pdf, 17_nt_sol_2.pdf, 16_nt_sol_2.pdf, 15_nt_sol_2.pdf, 12_nt_sol_2.pdf, 11_nt_sol_2.pdf, 10_nt_sol_2.pdf, 09_nt_sol_2.pdf, 08_nt_sol_2.pdf, 07_nt_sol_2.pdf, 05_nt_sol_2.pdf.
  • I now post the Maple worksheets in pdf format also, so that you can see them without running Maple: Worksheet of Lec 17 in pdf
  • The anonymous sorted grades for the first exam with grade cut points, Exam1/sorted_grades.txt.
  • Homework 2 is posted.
  • The anonymous sorted grades for Homework 1, Homework/sorted_grades_1.txt.
  • Extra office hour today, Mon Feb 22, at 2pm on Zoom.
  • The first mid-semester exam is on Tuesday, February 23. I will post the exam on Moodle at 8:30am and you will have until 11am to upload a photo of your solution of each problem to Moodle.
  • Old first exams: 20_nt_exam_1.pdf, 19_nt_exam_1.pdf, 18_nt_exam_1.pdf, 17_nt_exam_1.pdf, 16_nt_exam_1.pdf, 15_nt_exam_1.pdf, 12_nt_exam_1.pdf, 11_nt_exam_1.pdf, 10_nt_exam_1.pdf, 09_nt_exam_1.pdf, 08_nt_exam_1.pdf, 07_nt_exam_1.pdf, 05_nt_exam_1.pdf.
    Old first exams scanned solutions (the red text is grading information; please ignore): 19_nt_sol_1.pdf, 18_nt_sol_1.pdf, 17_nt_sol_1.pdf, 16_nt_sol_1.pdf, 15_nt_sol_1.pdf, 12_nt_sol_1.pdf, 11_nt_sol_1.pdf, 10_nt_sol_1.pdf, 09_nt_sol_1.pdf, 07_nt_sol_1.pdf, 05_nt_sol_1.pdf.
  • Homework 1 is posted; note: Problems 1 and 5 may cause the most difficulties.

    ©2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Erich Kaltofen.