D340, Levine Research Science Building,
Duke University, Durham NC 27708
[Sept 2023] Abraxas has been accepted at ACM CCS 2023. Joint work with Julian Loss, Jonathan Katz and Erica Blum
[Sept 2023] TrustBoost has been accepted at ACM CCS 2023. Congratulations Peiyao!
[Aug 2023] Yanping presents a talk on Longshot at VLDB 2023.
[Aug 2023] My talk at the MEV workshop at the Science and Blockchain Conference on Order Policy Enforcement: Limits and Circumvention: link
[Aug 2023] We conducted our second workshop on the Blockchains + X series. This time, the focus was on the intersection of blockchains and economics. Here’s a recording of the talks and panel: link
[July 2023] I presented a talk on privacy in private proof-of-stake blockchains in Zcon4.
[July 2023] Chenghong and I explain the key intuition in our work on private proof-of-stake blockchains on Decentralized Thoughts: Part 1 and Part 2.
[July 2023] Nibesh’s work on communication and round efficient parallel broadcast protocols is now up on eprint.
[June 2023] Our paper on understanding the limits to order policy enforcement in the presence of rational parties is now online. Led by Sarisht Wadhwa.
[May 2023] Can we have protocols whose performance is comparable to the best partially synchronous protocols when conditions are favorable and to the best asynchronous protocols when conditions are unfavorable? Read Abraxas to learn more.
[May 2023] Chenghong’s work on Private Proof-of-Stake Blockchains using Differentially-Private Stake Distortion has been accepted at Usenix Security 2023.
[May 2023] Received NSF CAREER Award.
[April 2023] Workshop on Blockchains + TEEs was conducted on April 3 and 4. Summary of Day 1 and Day 2. Videos here.
[April 2023] Presenting HotStuff-2, our work on a two-phase responsive BFT protocol with worst-case quadratic communication, with Dahlia. A blog post explaining the key intuition on Decentralized Thoughts.
[Mar 2023] Yanping’s work Longshot: Indexing Growing Databases using MPC and Differential Privacy has been accepted at VLDB 2023. [Feb 2023] Peiyao’s work combining player replaceability and forensic support is accepted in Financial Crypto 2023. Key ideas explained in this blog post on Decentralized Thoughts. [Jan 2023] A blog post on Decentralize Thoughts on What are blockchains useful for, really?
[Jan 2023] Here’s a two-part blog post on Decentralized Thoughts on the concept of player-replaceability — Part I, Part II.
[Jan 2023] Shravan’s work on tolerating mobile sluggish faults in the permissionless setting has been accepted in PKC 2023.
[Dec 2022] Here’s a two-part blog-post on the concept of responsiveness on Decentralized Thoughts — Part I, Part II.
[Dec 2022] Here’s my talk on He-HTLC at a16z Crypto: link
[Dec 2022] Here’s my talk on Adaptively-Secure Byzantine Agreement for Long Messages: link
[Dec 2022] Received a gift grant from Zcash Foundation.
[Nov 2022] Sravya’s work on Communication Efficient BFT using Small Trusted Hardware has been accepted at OPODIS 2022. We show variants of (i) HotStuff tolerating minority corruption while retaining its linear communication complexity, (ii) VABA tolerating minority corruption while retaining its quadratic communication complexity.
[Nov 2022] Peiyao’s work on combining player replaceability and forensic support is now online. We show that while the two properties seem to be at odds, they are simultaneously achievable.
[Oct 2022] Xuechao and Peiyao’s work on boosting trust among interoperable blockchains is online.
[Oct 2022] Our work on He-HTLC has been accepted at NDSS 2023. In this work, Sarisht and Jannis present an HTLC protocol that is incentive compatible even in the presence of actively rational miners. Here is a blog post on decentralized thoughts explaining the key ideas.
[Oct 2022] Nibesh and Aditya’s work on optimistically responsive randomness beacon, OptRand, has been accepted at NDSS 2023.
[Sept 2022] Our work on Adaptively Secure Byzantine Agreement for Long Messages has been accepted at Asiacrypt 2022.
[July 2022] Received three grant awards from Ethereum Foundation
[Mar 2022] Our work on empirically analyzing the effects of EIP-1559 has been accepted at ACM CCS 2022. Here’s a blog post explaining our key results.
[Mar 2022] Chenghong’s work together with Johes and Ashwin on an outsourced database using MPC and differential privacy, IncShrink, has been accepted in SIGMOD 2022.
[Feb 2022] Adithya and Nibesh’s work on OptRand, and optimistically responsive randomness beacon, (together with Aniket) is up on eprint.
[Jan 2022] New work with William, Yuxuan, Luyao, Fan, and Yulin on empirically analyzing Ethereum EIP-1559.
[Jan 2022] Nibesh’s work on synchronous distributed key generation (together with Adithya and Aniket) is up on eprint.
[Dec 2021] Nibesh’s work on good-case latency of rotating leader BFT protocols (together with Ittai) won the Best Paper Award at OPODIS 2021.
[Dec 2021] A blog post explaining the good-case latency of a rotating leader BFT protocol together with Nibesh and Ittai.
[Nov 2021] BFT Protocol Forensics paper is recognized as a Best Paper Runner Up at ACM CCS 2021.
[Oct 2021] What is the intuition behind Nakamoto consensus? How does proof-of-work relate to it? How does network synchrony play a role in its security? Learn more about it through this recent post on Decentralized Thoughts.
[Oct 2021] New work with Amey, Chen-Da, and Julian on adaptively secure communication efficient BFT for long messages is up on print.
I am generally interested in applied cryptography and blockchains. I am currently focusing on two research topics:
1. Robust and efficient design of blockchain protocols.
2. Efficient privacy-preserving computation.
Foundations of blockchains (CompSci 354-F24, CompSci 584-F24)
Past classes:
Fall’22: Foundations of Blockchains (CompSci 590-F22)
Fall’20, Fall’21, Spring’22: Computer Security (CompSci 351-F20, CompSci 351-F21, CompSci 351-S22)
Fall’19, Fall’21: Blockchain Consensus (CompSci 590-F19, CompSci 590-F21)
Spring’21: Applied Cryptography (CompSci 590-03)
I'm looking for students
I am always looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students. If you are interested in working on any of these topics, then: