D340, Levine Research Science Building,
Duke University, Durham NC 27708

I am generally interested in applied cryptography and blockchains. I am currently focusing on two research topics:
1. Robust and efficient design of blockchain protocols.
2. Efficient privacy-preserving computation.
Spring’25: Computer Security (CompSci 351-S25)
Past classes:
Fall’22, Fall’24: Foundations of Blockchains (CompSci 590-F22, CompSci 354-F24, CompSci 584-F24)
Fall’20, Fall’21, Spring’22: Computer Security (CompSci 351-F20, CompSci 351-F21, CompSci 351-S22)
Fall’19, Fall’21: Blockchain Consensus (CompSci 590-F19, CompSci 590-F21)
Spring’21: Applied Cryptography (CompSci 590-03)
I'm looking for students
I am always looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students. If you are interested in working on any of these topics, then: