I'm thinking of getting an aquarium. How can I ensure success?

Welcome to the wonderful world of aquariums. This FAQ provides advice and guidance to help insure success in your endeavor. What constitutes success? Healthy fish that live a long time, quite likely even breeding and having babies. Success also means having a tank that looks nice without a lot of maintenance (e.g., constantly battling excessive algae growth).

Having a successful tank is not difficult, nor necessarily a lot of work, provided you follow some common sense guidelines. These guidelines are based partly on science and partly on experience gleened from aquarists having many years experience on "the art of fishkeeping." The following list summarizes the most important rules for success. Each is discussed in more detail in subsequent sections of this document.

The above summary serves as a reminder of the principles that lead to happy fish keeping. Each topic (and lots more) is discussed in the remainder of this document.

How much time and effort is involved in keeping a fish tank?

For a 10-20g tank, once it is set up, expect to spend about 30 minutes every other week doing partial water changes, cleaning the tank, etc. If this is too much time for you, DON'T GET INTO THIS HOBBY! You will also spend a few minutes once or twice a day feeding your fish, turning the lights on and off, etc. Warning: many people spend much more time than this simply looking at their tank and its inhabitants. Of course, that is the whole point. :-) Be prepared to spend several hours researching the hobby before you make your first purchase. The more time you spend BEFORE you actually get the tank, the smoother things will go. Go to several pet stores to find one that looks like a reputable place. Visit them again several more times. Get some beginner books. Read the beginner portion of this FAQ several times. Most people who get frustrated with fish tanks get caught making mistakes that could have been avoided had they known a bit more about what they getting into (e.g., the nitrification cycle). Remember: most aquarium problems are easy to prevent, but hard to deal with after the fact.

Next Section: Beginner: Basic Aquarium Hardware