about 20,000 words from a Unix boggle game.
Examples of recursion: reading directories with classes
A modified apvector class that uses push_back to separate the concepts of capacity (number of elements that can be stored) from size() (number of elements stored). This is NOT endorsed by AP
For complete information see the official College Board/ETS Web Page. In particular, the AP classes are (now) located only at the College Board site.
I translated the 1992 AB released multiple choice questions to C++ before the AP subset was made (so that arrays were used instead of apvectors). Some questions didn't change, and I didn't copy these so this translation isn't complete without the original Pascal questions.
I advocate using lots of classes early. Here are several classes built using the apstring and apvector classes that you can use early in your courses. Feel free to use any and all of these.
A link to the summer 1997 workshop material for sessions held at Clemson and Berkeley.
A link to the summer 1998 workshop material for the workshop held at Berkeley for College Board consultants. You can download a zipped file that can be unpacked, for example, using winzip. This is the easiest way to get everything, including files not linked to the web page, but that were discussed during the workshop.
Two two-day workshops were held at Duke in June 1998. The materials from these workshops are accessible.