APCS Workshop, Third Day


Today you'll use the BigInt class that's part of the C++ version of the case study. Note that the class name is BigInt and not LargeInteger as it was in the Pascal version of the case study. In the case study document there are plenty of details on how the class is implemented and on how overloaded operators are implemented.

The version of the class provided online in bigint.h has division and modulus operators implemented. These are not implemented in the class discussed in the case study so that teachers can make division a class project. However, the version provided here is also available online --- see the college board web page for details)


Group Activity

  1. The program fact.cpp shows a simple use of the BigInt class to compute factorials. The first group exercise is to reason about a run of this program that shows the output of all constructors that are called as well as destructors. Note that in the implementation in the case study there is no reason for a destructor since there's no dynamic memory allocated in the class. The output below was generated by including a destructor to help reason about what temporary variables are created during the process of computing factorials.

    To determine the cause of each line of output you'll need to look both at the factorial program fact.cpp and at the implementation of the BigInt class in bigint.cpp. You should describe, for each constructor and destructor, the cause of the output. For example, the first line of output, "default constructor called" is caused by the definition of the variable answer in main.

    User-entered input is in italics

    	prompt> fact
    	default constructor called
    	fact up to: 3
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	copy constructor called with 1
    	destructor called for 1
    	destructor called for 1
    	0! = 1
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	copy constructor called with 1
    	destructor called for 1
    	destructor called for 1
    	1! = 1
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	copy constructor called with 2
    	destructor called for 2
    	destructor called for 2
    	2! = 2
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	copy constructor called with 6
    	destructor called for 6
    	destructor called for 6
    	3! = 6
    	destructor called for 6

  2. If that was not challenging enough consider the run below showing part of a run for both 10! and 11!. There's a big difference between these two because operator *= is defined for both BigInts and ints. The BigInt version is called only when a factorial over 10 is calculated. You should reason about why each of the lines of output appears for the run shown below.
    	9! = 362880
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	copy constructor called with 3628800
    	destructor called for 3628800
    	destructor called for 3628800
    	10! = 3628800
    	int constructor called num = 1
    	int constructor called num = 11
    	copy constructor called with 3628800
    	int constructor called num = 0
    	copy constructor called with 3628800
    	copy constructor called with 3628800
    	destructor called for 3628800
    	destructor called for 3628800
    	copy constructor called with 36288000
    	copy constructor called with 36288000
    	destructor called for 36288000
    	destructor called for 36288000
    	destructor called for 39916800
    	destructor called for 362880000
    	destructor called for 11
    	copy constructor called with 39916800
    	destructor called for 39916800
    	destructor called for 39916800
    	11! = 39916800

  3. There is no post-increment operator implemented for the BigInt class. The correct prototype for one is shown below. Implement the body of the function. You'll probably need three statements for this, you should use the overloaded operator +=. (Note that the int parameter is a dummy parameter that's not used, it just serves to differentiate the overloaded postincrement ++ from a preincrement ++). BigInt BigInt::operator ++(int)

  4. show-meWrite an implementation of division in line with the AP exam question from this year (1997). The question asked that a division algorithm be implemented that uses the following pseudocode (verbatim)
       copy the dividend to tempDiv 
       set quotient to zero
       while tempDiv >= divisor
            subtract divisor from tempDiv
            increment quotient by one
    Use this to implement the member function whose header is given below. For this problem assume that divisor and dividend are both positive (as with the AP test question).
         BigInt & BigInt::operator /=(const BigInt & rhs)
        // postcondition: return BigInt / rhs after modification

Lab Activity

There are more activities in this lab than you'll be able to finish in the morning session. You'll have an opportunity to continue with the BigInt case study in the afternoon if you'd like to.

  1. Using the SysTimer class declared in systimer.h determine, empirically, the time needed to square an N-digit BigInt, where N varies from 0 to 900 in increments of 100. Make the N-digit number all 9's for a good upper bound. You can construct such a BigInt from a string formed by concatenating 9's together. Output might be similar to the following (from a Pentium 133 running Turbo 4.5). You can determine the number of digits in a BigInt by using the ToString member function (then using length).
    	#dig	^2 dig	time
    	0	1	0
    	100	200	0.11
    	200	400	0.5
    	300	600	1.16
    	400	800	2.09
    	500	1000	3.3
    	600	1200	4.84
    	700	1400	6.48
    	800	1600	8.46
    	900	1800	10.66

  2. Write a program that combines the timing idea above, and the number of digits, with the Factorial function from fact.cpp. Generate all factorials between 1 and a user-entered number printing the number of digits in each factorial and the time needed to compute the factorials.

  3. The hailstone sequence is formed by using the following iterative technique for a number n: int f(int n) { if (n % 2 == 0) return n/2; else return 3*n + 1; } while (n != 1) { n = f(n); } It is conjectured, though unproven, that this loop always terminates. Write a program to find the BigInt value N that yields the longest hailstone sequence. Limit the search between two user-entered values.

  4. Write both a logarithmic and a linear function for raising a BigInt to an integer power (i.e, one function is O(log n) and the other is O(n) for the number of multiplies needed to compute b^n). Time these functions and see if the empirical times match the analytical runtimes (they won't match, why?)


Group Activity

In the afternoon we'll work on providing examples of what might be useful in leading and participating in College Board (and other) AP workshops. We'll also discuss issues that have arisen from what's included and what's left out of the APCS C++ subset. We'll have an extended discussion about this which might shorten this afternoon's lab session. Our goal is to have each group present an example of how to get at certain concepts (see below) and to have a fruitful discussion about these examples, about C++, about AP, and about conducting workshops. You should consider this entire activity a show-me session. We'll have small group discussions for 30-45 minutes, then have each group present some ideas --- hopefully this will lead to a group of projects and concepts that we can share in conducting workshops.

  1. What classes should be used and talked about in conducting workshops. How should classes be used in conjunction with discussing syntax/language issues?

  2. How much time should be spent on environment issues, e.g., using an IDE, using projects, compiler quirks, etc. ?

  3. How can BigInt be used to introduce C++, how much time should be spent on BigInt when conducting workshops?

  4. What ideas and concepts do you anticipate causing problems or being difficult in teaching the course to students and in conducting workshops?

  5. What books are appropriate, what resources are needed, and where should teachers look for more information?

Lab Activity

If there's time after the afternoon discussion, design, implement, and test a (small?) program that can be used to illustrate important features of C++, some (or all) of the AP-classes, and other concepts that are important in teaching AP Computer Science. The idea is to present C++, classes (AP and others as warranted), and computer science in a program that's less than 240 lines of code -- this will fit on two pages printed two-up, i.e., it could be provided on one page printed front and back when printed two-up. This could provide a "APCS C++ in a nutshell" example. We'll take a look at what people develop over the last days of the workshop.
Owen L. Astrachan
Last modified: Thu Jun 12 10:45:33 EDT