CPS 130: Analysis of Algorithms

CPS 130: HomeWork Assignments

Assignment Schedule

HW#. Date Given Due Date Topics Max. Marks Average
1Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Asymptotic analysis,
recurrence relation
50 35.32
2Sept. 17 Sept. 26 Recurrence relations,
mathematical induction
50 31.38
3Sept. 26 Oct. 8 Sorting and searching 50 33.52
4Oct. 8 Oct. 17 Selection, red-black trees 50 34.66
Oct. 15 MIDTERM 100 67.18
5Oct. 29 Nov. 7 B-trees, dynamic programming 50 38.40
6Nov. 12 Nov. 21 Greedy algorithms, graphs,
geometric algorithms
50 43.33
7Nov. 21 Dec. 5 Amortized analysis, graph search 50 37.00
8Dec. 3 Dec. 12 Union find, computational geometry
Spanning trees, shortest paths
Dec. 16 FINAL EXAM: 9:00-12:00 100

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