Welcome to my homepage. If you came looking for the "real" Robert Duvall (i.e., the actor), I am sorry to disappoint you. To my knowledge, he does not have his own homepage, but you can find news and information about him here.
If you are still reading, thank you for taking your time to visit my homepage. I hope you find something here worthwhile. I would tell you that these pages are under construction, but I believe that web pages should always be under construction. So you might want to come back occasionally to see if anything has been added.
At Duke, I work with Owen Astrachan, Brandon Fain, Susan Rodger Kristin Stephens-Martinez, and Nicki Washington as a member of the Computer Science Education Group. Previously, I received both my B.S. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from Brown University while working on upgrading the introductory Computer Science sequence to use object-oriented programming.
As a lecturer, I primarily teach undergraduate programming courses. I enjoy talking to students, so feel free to drop by my office anytime. I also answer email as often as I can, but the advantage of coming to my office is that you can help reduce my overfull bowl of candy.
Currently I am teaching the following courses:
If you are a Duke student wondering which Computer Science course to start with, there is an excellent guide to help clarify the issues here.