Computer Science Articles
CS NEWS/blogs
Turing's Universal Machine Voted Top British Innovation -
Information Week March 25, 2013
Why Software is eating the world
- Wall Street Journal, Aug 20, 2011
Robot "Mission Impossible" Wins Robot video prize - New Scientist -
Aug 12, 2011
Wierd Al Yankovic - song Bob is all palindromes - about Bob Dylan
Java 1.6.0_21 company field changed from Sun to Oracle breaks applications
Interview Kinect Adventures Aug 6, 2010
Death of Google App Inventor - Aug 9, 2011
Google App Inventor Saved - Now to MIT - Aug 16, 2011
Microsoft Interns - News and Observer August 2009
Software Engineering High School
CS courses online
Bloomberg Business Week - May 1, 2006 - article about Duke CS
programming team
Learnable Programming by Bret Victor September 2012
Paul Pauca dreams up app to communicate with disabled son - Sept 18, 2012
Dickens, Austen and Twain, Through a Digital Lens - New York Times,
Jan 26, 2013
Harvard's Flipped Discrete Math Course
Physicists Eagerly try new teaching methods but then often drop them,
study finds
Why Johnny can't program - by Neil Mcallister
- Infoworld June 23, 2011
A Most Profound Math Problem
and here (pdf) The
New Yorker - May 2, 2013 - about P vs NP problem
New Standards Set for Federal Education
- Education Week - May 7, 2013
How Computer Analysis Uncovered J. K. Rowling's Secret Novel -
PopSci, July 17, 2013
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and
mathematics - paper in PNAS (2014)
The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World - 5/22/14
How Computer Science Solved the Puzzle of the 9/11 Memorial
- BetaBeat, by Ben Popper, 5/9/2011
Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers Nature - Feb 24, 2014
Meet Cepheus, the virtually unbeatable poker-playing computer -
washington post January 8, 2015
CS Videos