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Class javaParse.MainMenu


public class MainMenu
extends Object
implements ActionListener
the main class for the whole program - has a frame that displays the three type of parsers and a quit button

Constructor Index

 o MainMenu()
create an instance of a MainMenu (series of buttons) for an application that allows file io and quitting capabilities
 o MainMenu(Panel)
create an instance of a menu that will run the various Parsers from an applet that does not have a quit button or file io capabilities

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
creates a specific Grammar such as an LL1Grammar based on which button was clicked or exits the application
 o removeGrammar(Grammar)


 o MainMenu
 public MainMenu(Panel parent)
create an instance of a menu that will run the various Parsers from an applet that does not have a quit button or file io capabilities

parent - the Panel that the Applet creates
 o MainMenu
 public MainMenu()
create an instance of a MainMenu (series of buttons) for an application that allows file io and quitting capabilities


 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
creates a specific Grammar such as an LL1Grammar based on which button was clicked or exits the application

 o removeGrammar
 public void removeGrammar(Grammar grammar)
grammar - the Grammar to be removed from the private Vector of Grammars that it is managing to run multiple Grammars such as an LL1Grammar and an LL2Grammar

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