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Class javaParse.ReallyCloseCommand


public class ReallyCloseCommand
extends Command
implements ActionListener

Constructor Index

 o ReallyCloseCommand(GrammarWindow)
really close command is bound to a grammar window.

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
 o execute(AWTEvent)
calls the reallyClose function for that grammr window


 o ReallyCloseCommand
 public ReallyCloseCommand(GrammarWindow app)
really close command is bound to a grammar window. After being prompted the first time, this is the command that takes the "yes" answer to "are you sure?"


 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
 o execute
 public void execute(AWTEvent e)
calls the reallyClose function for that grammr window

execute in class Command

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