I am a third-year PhD student in the Computer Science Department at Duke. I graduated with an integrated Dual Degree (Bachelor + Master of Technology) in Computer Science and Textile Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. My PhD research focuses on creating mechanisms for Decentralized Finance applications that are incentive compatible in presence of strategic players. Currently, I am working with Ethereum Foundation on "Data-Independent Order Policy Enforcement" and with Flashbots on "Differentially Private Aggregate hints for MEV-Share". I am also trying to learn more about algorithmic game theory, and the wonderful applications that the intersection of privacy and game theory can bring to the DeFi space.

Apart from research, I like everything that fantastical (Books, TV Shows & Anime). I am a Truthwatcher, though look up to Windrunners the most!

Sarisht Wadhwa

sw485 at cs.duke.edu

Department of Computer Science
Duke University




He-HTLC: Revisiting Incentives in HTLC
Plain Academic